Create locally focused circular economies

Invest in a regenerative economy

Finance can be a force for good if invested wisely. Be part of the movement to use investing as a way to regenerate the planet.

When we invest our money, we’re making an active decision to put money into an asset with the hope of generating an outcome. In many cases this outcome is profit, i.e. to increase money, but you can also invest in other things in the hope they will generate a specific outcome. Things like the education of girls or the regeneration of eco-systems. There is also the opportunity to get both a great outcome and some profit.

The world economy is currently geared towards degeneration,but by shifting our money and being conscious of what impact that money is having, we can start investing in a regenerative economy. The world of business and economy listens to the language of money and where it is going so there is an opportunity for us to create enormous change by how we invest.

There are a number of organisations now very focused on addressing how we can invest our money ethically and in regenerative ways..

If you have money to manage or invest regeneratively consider some of the following groups.


Bank Australia - responsible & regenerative banking 

Bank Australia is committed to creating a fair and inclusive society, and together with their customers creating a world where people and the planet thrive. This is a great place to start investing regeneratively, with an organisation that focuses on values first, profit second, uses your money responsibly.

Ethical Investment financial planning services

There are a number of financial planning services available that preference ethical investing. If you invest ethically and want ethically sound financial advice check out the following organisations

ORICoop - invest in better outcomes

The Organic and Regenerative Investment Co-operative is an innovative organisation, focussed on bringing together farmers, businesses, eaters and like-minded investors for better outcomes. 

Sentient Impact Group

This group sees finance as a force for good. They believe that financial capital is a form of energy that when used appropriately can support human flourishing while living in harmony with the natural world. 

Tiverton Agriculture Impact Fund

The TAIF fund invests in diversified food production assets and other businesses that align with the strategy of combining regenerative agriculture, biodiversity solutions and natural capital for investment returns. 

Packhorse - investing in land restoration 

Packhorse acquires and manages agricultural properties through land restoration practices. Their mission is to become a global leader in the practice of regenerative grazing and profitable cattle farming. 

Find out more about Packhorse

Information sources 

There are also some great resources about how to invest regeneratively.


Regenerative Food Systems Investments (RFSI) - United States

RFSI believes that investments in regenerative agriculture and food systems do more than just sequester carbon. When executed correctly they believe that these investments offer healthy returns and numerous other ecological, economic, and social benefits. Regenerative Food Systems Investment was created to facilitate education and networking that will drive increased investment in regenerative agriculture and food.

Green Eco Friend (UK)

Green Eco Friend is a blog that helps guide individuals in their personal decision making and they have recently published an article that gives a helpful summary of ethical banking options in the UK. 

Ethical Investing NZ (Aotearoa/New Zealand)

Ethical Investing NZ provides financial advice to individuals, businesses, and NGOs over how they can put their money to use while supporting ethical and sustainable businesses.

NOTE: As always, you should speak to a qualified professional about your financial choices. Talk to your financial advisor today about regenerative investing.

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